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GDD 2019

Good Deeds Day was launched in Africa at a national level for the first time with Kenya hosting the event in Nairobi Kenya on 2nd April 2017 with subsequent event organized on the 15th April -2018 with the 2019 event being held on the 7th – April – 2019 .The event, marked by entertainment and exhibition of various act of Good Deeds .

The event was marked by various entertainments with a band form Kenya Scouts association using various songs to mobilize public support on being Good Deeds Ambassadors with key entertainment from local artist using various models. The huge gathering at City Hall way enabled the exhibitors to share in their work and contributed to the act of Good Deeds.

The Good deeds celebration provided a platform for organizations to share amongst each attending partners on various Good Deeds Best practices. The event was iced with various entertainments from artist, children fun corner and speeches from volunteers, guest and remarks from the Mr. Kaynan Rabino, Global CEO, Good Deeds Day,  Kenya Good Deeds Day Goodwill Ambassador Governor of Nairobi County Hon. Mike Mbuvi Sonko, David Ayal – The Permanent Residence & Israel Deputy Ambassador to Kenya.

The event targeted over 80 organizations who exhibited various initiatives during the Good Deeds day celebration. The celebration was supported by our development partners, JICA and UN Volunteers who provided technical support by exhibiting various volunteerism activities during the supporting The Good Deeds Day celebration provided an avenue for Volunteer Involving organization to sign up volunteers, collect donations and shared key messages of Good deeds hence volunteer further had an opportunity to engage with the public on one on one with messages about good deeds.

The celebration was success in achieving is main goal of mobilizing volunteers and public support for Good deeds day celebration through engaging involving organization, exhibitors, volunteers, development partners, national and county government of Nairobi. The event not only created a platform to showcase the act of Good deeds but it created an opportunity for various stakeholders to amplify the act of Good Deeds.